Hello Ladies and Gentlemen.
This coming year, 2018, I have some pretty interesting plans and challenges for each of us. We will be having a monthly Brew Style Challenge were we will be brewing and discussing a specific BJCP style as well as the ingredients used, Jeff Mello has schedule a club meeting at Bootleg Biology to help us learn more about yeast and bacteria, the Big Brew Day will be a great time again this year, we have a Learn to Brew day scheduled with some fun stuff for new brewers to take home and experiment with, the annual club contest might be taking on a new twist as well as bringing back the club crawl, I’m looking at getting us a few spots at Brew Festivals around Nashville to showcase our clubs beers, and the annual club Christmas Party will be a blast. Also don’t forget that we have Thirsty Thursdays, and they will be held at a different brewery around town every month. No homebrew is allowed at the Thirsty Thursdays unless otherwise communicated.
Club memberships sign up and renewals for 2018 are fast approaching, and at a small $25 per person or $37 per couple its supper affordable. Come Join in on the fun, fellowship and learning we will have this year.